Thursday, March 10, 2022


After all this time, me and my partner were finally able to complete our storyboard!! Here it is!!

Even though we could not stick to that schedule I devised up a couple blog posts about, I feel that we are right on track with time. This week we will begin filming during the weekend and try to have all of our filming done in a week and a half. All of our camera angles are listed underneath each different shot and the camera movements are indicated with arrows in the little boxes. Some shots have and "X" that indicates where the cameras will be when the shot first begins. 

The introduction will begin with Serena stomping up the stairs with makeup running down her face and tears rolling down her eyes. All the scenes in the introduction are important because they all help develop the storyline of what the movie is about. I feel that without all the shots we have in the storyboard then our introduction would not feel as complete and whole. The climax of the whole scenes in definitely when Serena's mom is walking up the stairs and almost catches Serena leaving, but Serena is able to jump out the window just in time. This is the most nail-biting part because the audience does not know if she will get caught or not. 

The most important part about the introduction is definitely the ending. It is very important that we do not give our introduction a clear ending because it is only the beginning of the movie. We ended our scene with Serena jumping out the window which leaves viewers wondering what will happen and effectively hooks them into watching the rest of the movie. I am quite happy with the story we were able to develop and am excited about what the end result will look like! Don't forget to stay tuned!

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